The 17th International Symposium on Advances
in Abrasive Technology

22(Mon.) -25(Thu.) September 2014
Courtyard by Marriott King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel,
Kona, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

History & Scope

The International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT) was first held in Sydney, Australia in 1997. Since 2002, JSAT and ICAT have been jointly organizing this exciting 
annual event for this community and the symposia have been successfully held in Hong Kong, 
UK, Turkey, Russia, US, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Germany, Singapore and China. An emphasis 
of the ISAAT series is to bring together both academic researchers and industrial practitioners 
from around the world for the interchange of the latest developments and applications in abrasive 
technologies. The ISAAT2014 at Imiloa Astronomy Center Hawaii will continue to promote the 
discipline development and research collaboration, and to foster the growth of young engineers 
and researchers in the field.


Details for PresentationDetails for Presentation


Program(Oral)ISAAT2014, Program(Oral)

Program(Poster)ISAAT2014, Program(Poster)

Call for Paper


The Author Template

ISAAT2014, AuthorTemplateISAAT2014, CFP

Important Dates

Abstract submission site open January 11, 2014
Deadline of abstract submission March 1, 2014
March 15,2014(extended)
Deadline of full paper submission March31, 2014
April 7,2014(extended)
Notification of paper acceptance April 30, 2014
May 20,2014(extended)
Deadline of submission of final paper May 20, 2014
June 10,2014(extended)
Payment of early registration fee
(including student registration fee)
June 5, 2014
June 18,2014(extended)
Conference registration and reception Sept 22, 2014
Technical sessions Sept 23-24, 2014
Technical visit Sept 25, 2014

Organized by

The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (JSAT)    JSAT
International Committee for Abrasive Technology (ICAT)    ICAT

Sponsored by

The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (JSAT)  
Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Mitaka Kohki. Co., Ltd.
Crystal Optics Inc.
Nagase Integrex Co., Ltd.